The Atlanta Auburn Club caters to all age groups and interests. The board members work countless hours planning and organizing a wide variety of events for families and individuals looking to reconnect with their Auburn Family. While we love to have a great time with our fellow alumni, we stay true to our mission in providing scholarships for Auburn students.
Atlanta Auburn Club Facts
Our mission is to foster the Auburn Spirit, strengthen ties between the Auburn Family and the university, and raise scholarship funds that can provide some real HOPE for students in Georgia who want to attend Auburn University.
Our game day bar is currently the Bucket Shop in Buckhead, Georgia! Come hang out with us while we watch the Auburn Tigers play!
The Atlanta Auburn Club has lengthy and proud tradition of community service in the metro Atlanta area. Our club was recognized with the Auburn Alumni Association’s national award for "Outstanding Community Service" regularly for years on end. These awards recognize the Atlanta club’s commitment to a variety of outreach efforts in our community including the organizations below.
The Atlanta Auburn Club raises tens of thousands of dollars annually for annual and endowed scholarships through our 501(c)(3) Roy B. Sewell Memorial Scholarship Fund.